Eclipse Configuration for Google Appengine

Setting Up Google Appengine 
It's easy to use the Eclipse development environment to develop your Java App Engine application, just as you can to develop any other servlet-based web application. With the Google Plugin for Eclipse, it's even easier. The plugin lets you create, test and upload App Engine applications from within Eclipse. You can also import an App Engine application packaged as a Maven project, and let Eclipse use Maven to manage dependencies and builds. (For more information, see Using Apache Maven.)
The Google Plugin for Eclipse also makes it easy to develop applications using Google Web Toolkit (GWT), to run on App Engine or in any other environment.
This article describes how to install the Google Plugin for Eclipse, create or import a new App Engine project, and debug it using the development server running within Eclipse. The article also describes how to use the plugin to upload your project to App Engine.
For more information about the plugin, including how to use it for Google Web Toolkit projects, see the Google Plugin for Eclipse documentation.

Getting Eclipse

The Google Plugin for Eclipse is available for Eclipse 4.3 (Kepler) as well as other recent Eclipse versions. The "Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers" includes all of the components you will need for web application development.
In addition to the Google Plugin for Eclipse, we recommend the Web Tools Platform (WTP) plugins for web development. See the Web Tools Platform website. Among other things, WTP provides editing modes for JSP and HTML files.

Installing the Google Plugin for Eclipse

You can install the Google Plugin for Eclipse using the Software Update feature of Eclipse. If you are using the latest version of Eclipse (4.3, Kepler) and you are familiar with installing Eclipse plugins, you can just use the update site URL below. For more detailed instructions, see the Google Plugin for Eclipse page.


Wait few minutes for the installation progress, when done, Eclipse prompts you to restart, click yes and the Google Plugin for Eclipse is installed.

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